February 2022 - Safer Internet Day
On February 8th, 2022, ByeDV takes part in Safer Internet Day.
The campaign is part of the national dissemination strategy of ByeDV activities. For Safer Internet Day 2022, the DGfPI team, in cooperation with the EU initiative klicksafe.de, carried out a social media campaign via Facebook and Instagram to draw the attention of a broad public to the perspective of young people and their reality of life on the Internet.
Under the motto “We need you!”, this campaign builds on the empirically developed recommendations for action of HUMAN and the experiences of the specialist counselling centres involved in the project: Young people seeking advice receive too little understanding and support in their environment when they experience digitised experiences of sexual violence. They often remain silent and do not find media-sensitive contact persons in adults, because support is often linked to criticism of their dealings with the media and their everyday media customs. They are worried about being confronted with restrictions or experience a form of open or hidden victim-blaming when parents or educators show them the risks of their media behavior. Also, their technical, emotional and social coping skills are often overestimated when digital, but also analog crisis situations have to be mastered.
The aim of the campaign is to speak from the perspective of young people and to raise awareness of their lives. Adults should be motivated to support young people when they need help based on media experiences. This requires empathy and understanding for a – from the point of view of many adults – changed living environment and youth culture. The posts therefore address adults with provocative statements by young people about their different online or offline experiences in order to make them think. Additional comments on each post are intended to explain these statements and prompt further reflection on how adults can better support young people through their actions.
The campaign was launched on 02.02.2022: A total of 21 posts were made from 2 to 14 February on Instagram www.instagram.com/dgfpi_ev/ and Facebook www.facebook.com/dgfpi.ev. Overall, the posts achieved a reach of more than 5,000 clicks (Facebook 4,434, Instagram 792).
The evaluation of the likes on Facebook shows that mainly people between the ages of 35 and 44 were reached (71.7% women / 28.3% men). On Instagram, the channel gained 181 followers (90.2% women / 9.8% men) and had the highest scores in the same age group of 35 to 44 year olds. The aim of the campaign was thus achieved, especially to sensitize and address adults for the situation of young people. The campaign had a reach beyond Germany (90.2%) to Austria (2%) and Switzerland (0.8%). Instagram also reached not only German people (70%) but also Switzerland (1.1%) and Italy (0.6%). Thus, the campaign has broadcast not only at national level but also at international level and has had a broad impact.
Safer Internet Day
Safer Internet Day is an annual campaign day that always takes place on 8 February. All those who work with children and young people are encouraged to do their part in promoting supportive relationships and respectful communities on the Internet. From discussing how to use the Internet for communication to creating positive change in online groups, the day gives the opportunity to advocate for a better Internet. In concrete terms, this means that numerous actors.B such as youth welfare organisations or schools are taking part in Safer Internet Day with online offers, presentation workshops, information events or social media campaigns.
The EU initiative klicksafe
Since 2004, klicksafe.de in Germany has been implementing the mandate of the EU Commission to convey the competent and critical use of the Internet and new media to Internet users. The EU initiative klicksafe.de aims to promote people’s online competence and to support them in dealing competently and critically with the Internet with a wide range of offers. Klicksafe.de bundles and develops relevant information and offers for safe, competent and self-determined Internet use. Target groups are people who support children and young people in developing their Internet skills – from parents and teachers to multipliers. The independent information portal www.klicksafe.de publishes a variety of up-to-date information, practical tips and teaching material on digital services and topics. The fields of action also include the implementation of comprehensive campaigns and the development of concepts for nationwide qualification measures for teachers and specialists. Training courses for children, young people, parents, teachers and specialists on the opportunities and risks of the Internet are also supported. In addition, klicksafe networks initiatives and actors in Germany and Europe to promote media literacy on the Internet. Klicksafe.de is the national German awareness centre, and is funded by the CEF Telecom Programme of the European Union. Since 2008, klicksafe has also been coordinating the Safer Internet Centre DE, which includes the Internet hotlines of eco, FSM and jugendschutz.net as well as the helpline number against grief.
Further information on Safer Internet Day an be gathered from its official website.