25.10.2022, 9:00 – 12:30
Webinar via Zoom (free)
Julia von Weiler
(Innocence in Danger e.V.)
Gesa Bertels (Landesjugendamt Münster), Julia Hiller (UBSKM), Dorina Kolbe (Betroffenenrat), Tina Langer (Zentral- und Ansprechstelle Cybercrime NRW), Jasmin Wahl (Jugendschutz.net) Registration will be available on the websites for ByeDV and DGfPI.
This specialist forum addresses the urgent problem facing many specialists from counseling centers and youth welfare, such as how digital representations of sexualized violence can be dealt with in accordance with the law. The legal situation is clear, but in counseling practice there are often uncertainties of how to move forward, particularly after the tightening of the law § 184 StGB (dissemination of pornographic content) in 2021.
The discussion with experts from the areas of public prosecution, youth media protection, youth welfare, Independent Commissioner for Questions of Child Sexual Abuse (UBSKM), Specialist Counseling Centers
and those affected will discuss responsibilities and working methods.